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Slightly Involved

Ponggal rice
Kangkung belacan
Rich butter cake
Ponggal rice

Ponggal rice

Made with fresh rice of the first harvest to signify the end of the winter solstice, Ponggal rice is offered to gods and goddesses before sharing with family and friends.

Paeh ikan keli

Paeh ikan keli

The Temuan way to cook this fish is over the embers of an outdoor stove. If you have an available setup, we highly encourage you to go for it.



Leela’s late mother was the family’s ‘culinary comforter’, and taught her how to make this vegetable dish. Complex in flavour, this recipe takes no shortcuts.

Eurasian braised tongue

Eurasian braised tongue

Deborah adapted this recipe from Indonesian beef semur, which itself is an influence on beef smore, a common Eurasian dish in Malaysia and Singapore.

Gaeng som

Gaeng som

This dish, inherited from Banyen’s late grandmother, makes an appearance at least twice a week on their dinner table at home, as it is her dad and grandfather’s favourite dish.

Kangkung belacan

Kangkung belacan

This is quite possibly the best version of kangkung belacan we’ve tried—spicy, briny and still-crunchy.

Fenugreek fish sambal

Fenugreek fish sambal

The star of this dish is fenugreek, along with the freshest fish possible. When Nisha first introduced it to her daughter, it was “the most delicious thing I had ever eaten”.

Rich butter cake

Rich butter cake

This butter cake recipe comes from Dinesh Rao who founded Tray Cafe, which arguably churns out some of the best butter cakes outside of a kopitiam.

Tomato mee for one

Tomato mee for one

This recipe is based on Glenn’s favourite stall that he claims serves “the best version of tomato mee” that he has come across so far.

Sesame miso cookies

Sesame miso cookies

For these cookies, recipe developer Yi Jun combines miso and brown sugar to create soft, chewy morsels studded with sesame seeds.


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